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Dave Thomas Brown


Sent: April 16, 2018

Received: April 28, 2018

Hello! (pun intended) I was pretty stoked when I heard that Dave Thomas Brown was going to be the new Elder Price because I've been a fan of his for a while. I sent him a letter and a photo to sign and he was kind enough to sign the photo and send back a Playbill, and really quickly too! Thanks Dave! đź’ž

If you'd like to send to Dave, the addresss you'd need to send is..

Dave Thomas Brown
Eugene O'Neill Theatre Stage Door
c/o The Book of Mormon
230 West 49th Street,
New York, NY 100

Don't forget to include a self addressed stamped envelope! Thank you so much for reading, keep conquering the stage!

~ Evan


  1. yo! I’ve been wanting to send dave a letter, so I found this super helpful :) but I was wondering, what constitutes as like “creepy” or “awkward” ((I don’t wanna accidentally send him some cringe gush-letter)) also how long was your letter?
    thank you again!!

    1. Hey!! Thank you so much, I appreciate that! Honestly, I wouldn’t say anything TOO personal about yourself or about them, and it’s totally okay to compliment them or their performances or whatever!! What I would do, is just make sure that what you’re saying is something that wouldn’t make them uncomfortable or anything like that. My letter was probably around 3/4 of a page, but it just varies with whatever I have to say to who I’m writing to. Hope this helps!
